Building on momentum from recent federal legislation, Energy Pathways USA is a group convened by the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability and Fuqua Energy, Development and the Global Environment (EDGE) Center that brings together private-sector partners across multiple industries and thought partners to accelerate progress toward net-zero carbon emissions in the US by mid-century. Initial collaborators include ADM, AVANGRID, Bank of America, bp, Duke Energy, FedEx, GE, General Motors, Modern Energy, National Grid, Ørsted, RMI, Shell, Volvo Group, and the World Resources Institute.

Energy Pathways USA publicly launched during the November 2022 UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt with a report examining trend lines, challenges, and opportunities for meeting net-zero goals and a panel discussion making a business case for private-sector leadership in the energy transition. Since then, led by the Nicholas Institute’s Jackson Ewing, Energy Pathways USA stakeholders have continued to engage in cross-sectoral dialogue based on robust policy, technology, and modeling analyses. In summer 2023, Energy Pathways USA published “Strengthening Supply Chains for Decarbonization,” the first in a series of policy briefs outlining recommendations for advancing the US energy transition. Energy Pathways USA also works in collaboration with the Energy Transitions Commission as an autonomous regional initiative of that global effort.