Since 2022, Duke’s climate-focused grant programs foster groundbreaking interdisciplinary collaborations across the university, enabling faculty and research teams to address urgent climate challenges. The University-Wide Collaboration Grants on Climate Change (2022–2024) funded eight projects, each up to $5,000, encouraging researchers from varied disciplines to tackle key climate issues.

In recognition of climate change’s intersection with health, the Data Expeditions: Climate + Health initiative (2023–2025) funded nine projects at $25,000 each. Five of these teams progressed to Phase II (2024–2025), receiving a total of $1.5 million for further exploration.

The Climate Research Innovation Seed Program (CRISP) 2023 program, managed by the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment, & Sustainability, bolstered energy transformation research with 12 project grants: six for Research at $100,000 each and six for Ideation at $20,000 each. In 2024, CRISP refocused on Climate and Community Resilience, supporting 12 projects with an allocation of over $600,000.

The Environmental Justice and Climate Justice in the Carolinas initiative (2024–2026), led by the Office of Faculty Advancement, backs community-driven projects emphasizing policy and equity to address the region’s unique challenges, with $700,000 dedicated to these efforts.

Three joint projects worth $100,000 are creating collaborative opportunities for faculty at Duke Kunshan University and at Duke University.